by | Jul 12, 2023 | News

2022: The Year In Review

Jazz and Dinner with Conne: an evening of food and classic jazz with Condrea Webber’s local
band “Conne” (Aug 6, 2022)

Mansfield Pride: a weeked event with a parade, activities on the square, an evening dance party
and a performance brunch (Aug 13-15, 2022)

Mansfield Arts Festival: a one day public arts fair featuring music, food and art for sale (Sep 17, 2022)

Farm to Face: a locally sourced and prepared multi-course culinary experience that raised
awareness to issues involving food equity and food justice within North Central Ohio. (Sept 30, 2022)

33 Forever Self-Expression Halloween Event: a multi-cultural celebration of music, food, costume and dance designed to encourage the attendees to fully express themselves individually. (Oct 29, 2022)

The 560 Club City Forum debuted with Col. Troy Kramer, the ranking officer in charge of the
former 179th air base that has been converted to cyber security concerns. (Nov 11, 2022)

Thanksgiving Event: Families Without Family From 11am to 2pm on Thanksgiving Thursday, Gravity Ohio fed over 750 members of the North Central Ohio community a traditional
Thanksgiving meal in conjunction with Harmony House and The Salvation Army. (Nov 24, 2022)

Holiday Extravaganza: Gravity Ohio presented a family holiday experience of theater, music, dance & food that featured community performers and Madison High School & Ontario High School show choirs. (Dec 16, 2022)


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