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Upcoming Events!

Learn new things, meet new people, and have fun! Gravity Ohio’s Events can expose you to new cultures, ideas, and experiences. You won’t be disappointed!

Coming this fall

Shakespeare in mansfield ohio

Shakespeare in the Park

Scheduled date and time coming soon

Shakespeare in the Park is a free outdoor theater festival that brings Shakespeare’s plays to life for audiences of all ages. The first Shakespeare in the Park production in NYC was directed by Joseph Papp, whose vision was to make Shakespeare’s plays accessible to everyone, regardless of their income or background.

Coming this fall

560 group

Fall 560 Group

Scheduled date and time coming soon

Gravity Ohio’s 560 Club City Forums are a series of lunch and dinner presentations with facilitated discussion that are offered to the public on a once-quarterly basis. These forums provide the community with direct access to individuals who offer expertise in a variety of socio-cultural subject matters, and they encourage significant and deep conversations that promote empathetic and civil dialogue..

Coming this december

Holiday Show

Scheduled date and time coming soon